Thursday 25 January 2018

paper mario ttyd part 126 - versus the gross grodus


Danny and Arin talk about the chicken finger scandal they just experienced.

monster hunter world part 1 - character creation photo shoot


Suzy plays the freshly released game and it's a chill out episode setting up the character.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

vr troopers - jontron - weird power rangers clone show


Jon has a brief strange encounter with a Piglet avatar in VR Chat before he goes into the strange Power Rangers clone show.

mega man 7 part 1 - how this game helped arin develop art skills


Arin and Danny return to Mega Man 7 and play from the beginning!

paper mario ttyd part 125 - wizzerds and werriors


Danny and Arin solve more puzzles in the castle place with help from their buddies.

life is strange part 6 - nose around the house


Suzy and GirlGamerGaB poke around their friend's place some more while she "self medicates".

Saturday 6 January 2018

arin's scrapped game: vlad the impaler - castlevania-like game with cool animations


Arin talks about a side scrolling action game he was planning to make.

orbusvr - steam train - ross returns


Good to see ya, Ross! He comes back to update us on stuff he's up to and play some of this VR online game.

old school runescape part 8 - goofin' and gaffin'


Matt, Arin and Ryan recommend you be of age before drinking alcohol.

overwatch - not a good loser - trying


Suzy quick plays.

happy (belated) 31st birthday, arin!

Happy belated birthday Arin! It's November 2018 when I make this. Man I'm so behind on posts...