Monday 8 January 2018

arin's old art: 1998-2000 - cool 90s anime stuff


Arin showcases some of his old art! This'll be interesting :)

An actual drawing of "Egoraptor". That's weird and cool!

The cycloptic eye thing is kinda funny alright :)

Lots of cool Dragon Ball stuff :) and yeah I remember when Dragon Ball kept repeating and the later episodes didn't come until ages later.

Arin looks up stuff he used to learn to draw on a really old website :)

Wow that "Always Hiding" picture does bring up a few questions!

Hank Scorpio from The Simpsons inspired him to give Egoraptor a pink tracksuit! Interesting and amusing factoid :D

That Patrick comic is brilliantly funny!

That 90's anime stuff is super cool, super cringey and all super awesome :)

Really enjoyed this!

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