Tuesday 10 January 2017


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0EdD6dB1fg

December 2016! I felt the month flew by very fast. This recap starts with a belly laugh :)

So much Zelda Wand Of Gamelon! Seriously, good on Arin for putting up with it! It was a brilliant playthrough :)

Man I absolutely loved Danny playing Space Quest III.

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door started this month too! So many great games :)

The Birthday Party Bash game was this month as well as Barry's birthday!

Ah, the Brent Weinbach Guest Grumps was on this month. He knows his NES stuff :) what a weird game Time Lord is.

Wow yeah that weird gremlin thing Christmas game.

That old woman character they made in the Christmas item hunting game is hysterical. :)

Oh wow... that Feel The Snow game was so cosy and scary. It's a nice feeling to rewatch bits from that series :)

Pokémon Sun debuted this month as well.

The improvised Game Grumps Podcast was funny too with all the edit requests.

Another good month! I think I had to do a lot of catch up though with my own viewing.

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