Friday 1 December 2017

weird workout videos - jontron


Jon opens with an ad for Swagbucks before going on to talk about workout videos throughout the ages. The 80s ones... wow!

Funny sketch at the start where he's exercising in the park and he seems healthy until the hot dog vendor turns him down because he already ate far too many hot dogs to be in any way healthy at all. Oh well, back to the apartment for the workout video review :)

Prancercise seems very artsy and from a love of horses but hey, there's movin' going on! And prancin' :)

Next is Zuiikin' English. Love the weird old VHS style and the language learning sketch exercise weirdness and wonderfulness!

Then it's Estelle Getty's video. It's pretty jokey and funny! Very strange thing from another era too!

Then it's Mariko Takahashi's Fitness Video. Very very strange! She looks like one of the poodles around her and Jon says it's like a PS1 JRPG boss or something. This one has a bit of a story!

Next up is The Marky Mark Workout. I'm too young to remember anything about Mark Wahlberg's career back then so this is fascinating stuff! Jon's Gamer Zone gag was great :)

The weighing scales smashing gag was funny too. Nice outtake of the hot dog vendor at the end :)

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