Monday 26 December 2016



Danny appears before the video to tell us to watch a new video by Ninja Sex Party titled "Wish You Were Here - NSP" on the ninjasexparty YouTube channel and to watch it before watching this video. Ok Danny! I will. I'll save this post as a draft and update it later...

...I'm back! Danny did the stare thing so I had to go watch that video first! I'm lucky it wasn't Brian that was doing the staring. Arin had his say on the matter too! I couldn't make out the other two guys sitting near Arin... Is it Brent and Vernon? Yera... I won't label them here... Anyway back to this video!

Arin and Danny continue impressing grannies with their amazing point and click skills.

This game is just concentrated fetch quests. They're going through it at a nice fast pace though!

That monkey does look kinda morbid without a working battery heart and its arms in the air, just petrified.

Jeekers the grammar mistakes in this game...

I wonder if the game actually does end? Maybe stuff randomises and it goes on forever? Imagine...

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