Friday 16 December 2016



This excellent and detailed cartoon was inspired by a story Arin was telling Danny about the car he got handed down from his dad and brother.

When I saw Dodongo's Cavern from Ocarina Of Time along with the Stalchildren and Lizalfos, I knew it was going to be superb! Arin and Danny are drawn amazingly well too. On a side note, look how they're on their couch and they're IN Dodongo's Cavern! This is the future of VR! Not stupid helmets and goggles!

And oh man, that story about the exploding car. Hoo boy. I remember Suzy telling the story about the car exploding and it sounded scary and horrifying. This particular retelling is very much a look back on it and laugh kind of thing.

I love the moment Arin just abruptly said "That car... EXPLODED!" before he and Danny both burst out laughing. That moment is perfectly captured here with Death Mountain erupting and exploding in some kind of Dragon Ball Z attack, with Arin and Danny flying through the air high up over Hyrule on the couch, laughing all the way! You've got the outburst of the car exploding Death Mountain and the outburst of them laughing and this cartoon was the perfect way to express it all! Well done!

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