Monday 26 December 2016



It's Ninja Sex Party's cover of this song originally by Pink Floyd. I must admit I never heard the original song, but let's listen and watch!

The video's nice and calm, keeping in tune with the song. It's of Danny and Brian, both out of their regular costumes, working on the song and performing it in a recording studio. The Super Guitar Bros. are seen in a video conference with them. Danny's singing with headphones on and hair tied back, Brian's playing on a big serious piano. The colours in the video aren't black and white but do have a slight sepia tone, again keeping in tune with the song. I don't know who the other guy in the studio is.

I had the lyrics open in a browser tab while Danny sang. No repeating verses and the lines were quite short and sounded nice, though I didn't derive any particular meaning from them. I just found them nice and soothing to listen to.

Lovely instrumentals at the end to ride out the rest of the video too.

Look at them be all serious and sensitive! They were going for a certain tone that is different from regular NSP and they pulled it off nicely!

The original song is from 1988, which I learned by looking it up, and I still haven't listened to the original yet, but it has reached and been introduced to me, a member of the future generation through Ninja Sex Party. The lyrics I'm reading in an internet browser tab on Google Play Music, rather than on a vinyl album cover, on a device different to the one playing the YouTube video. I might go listen to the original later. I guess what I'm getting at is that it's thanks to this cover that the song has reached me in the future at all!

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