Wednesday 8 June 2016



Arin appears before the video in a skit! This one's about the time he met Chevy Chase!

Arin and Danny start with a belch! Danny then tells the story of this hot hippie lady he knew when he was younger who did the belch and the memory stuck with him. I can really visualise this actually :) a really hot girl doing such a thing and fondly remembering it...ah!

They talk about a game called Stratego. I never played it myself.

They come across those floaty things again that mimic their movements. Danny makes the connection that I never would've made in a million years! That they're like the light green and red things in Link To The Past that follow your movements! (Or the Shy Guys in Link's Awakening) So yeah, they're this game's equivalent! Learning new stuff every day about this legendary game! Thanks Grumps! :)

Also, the strategy that Arin uses is new to me too. I never knew why the block of time could be summoned or why the room is laid out like it is. I always just used Din's Fire or a Fire Arrow to take out these enemies!

However, I could teach them that they don't need to climb up that shifty wall. They can just use the Longshot from below to get a super head start.

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