Monday 13 June 2016



Arin appears in a live action skit telling us to exercise at least once a day to be happy. He gives some examples and the words come out of his mouth and up on the screen. He also gives the bat a kiss. D'aw!

Arin and Danny meet Sheik at the Temple of Time. I always thought it was kinda weird when you warped there just before meeting him, but then the cut scene has you walking inside instead of warping there. Arin gives him the Christian Bale Batman voice.

The voice then shifts to other weird masculine narrative voices. He sounds a bit like David Hayter Snake at one stage!

When Zelda is revealed it's a big surprise for Danny! It's lovely to see his reaction to it and the fun continues with more of Zelda's voice speaking. I love the way Arin was trying to keep it under wraps and sometimes almost slipping. That was fun!

Sheik was a "she" in Hyrule Warriors. I wish they kept him as a "he" because I like the disguise.

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