Thursday 10 November 2016



Arin and Danny appear before the video to announce more Game Grumps Live! dates! Yay!

Barry and Ross undertake Mu training, which is an amazing part of the game.

Ross has questions! Also, I love that tiny edit poo that was made coming from Poo's butt!

Poo levels up and makes his way to the rest of the team. Barry tells Ross all about him and his powers. Yeah, Splot is like the Dragon Quest Hero class, Pallf is like both Final Fantasy White Mage and Black Mage, Dick is like a Ranger or Machinist and Poo is like a Monk but also has his own magic powers.

They visit the museum. I have a GameCube and PS2 from back then too. I feel sorry for Ross not having a GameCube, but at least his friend had one.

When I played Smash Bros. I liked using Ness :)

Wow! Ross used to live in the building where Who Framed Roger Rabbit's ending was filmed! His grandfather-in-law worked on that movie too. Awesome close connection he has to it :)

I guess I'm grateful for Barry skipping the sewer dungeon. It is dense with those Stinky Ghost enemies. Loads of encounters down there.

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