Sunday 20 November 2016



Arin and Danny deal with hunters jumping in all over the place now.

They talk about The Simpsons a little bit. I still like that show too :)

I like the part where they're solving the puzzle but there's also a zombie in the room and they imagine him waiting politely. This puzzle part also reminds me of Ace Attorney when you're examining evidence in the court record.

Danny's right about this game world being more unsettling the more you dwell in it. It does feel that way alright.

I used to love infomercials as well as a kid. It is funny alright the way those black and white scenes always show a person in depression because they don't have the magical product that makes everything colourful and wonderful. I did actually find them kind of entertaining and yes it was because there wasn't much else to watch at that moment in time.

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