Saturday 5 November 2016



Arin moves on to talk about general life advice and looking for guidance when you need it and how important it is to be happy.

Wow he beat Vile on the first life of his continue! Multi-task master! Poor Zero... and Arin learns another new thing about his favourite game. I love it when that happens :)

Arin talks about what he thinks of school and more about being unhappy in life and how one should seek help for it. Very good to listen to this for anyone.

He talks about his own experience with being unhappy and seeking help and using something called the Hoffman Process. Never heard of it...

I kinda knew he didn't have to fight Vile again because he still had the upgrade Zero gave him. Plus, Vile may have even been a little easier, though I don't know exactly if that's necessarily the case.

But yeah, Arin talks more about dealing with life issues like being happy and being angry and stuff. He is absolutely right about many things. Life should be about being happy. I know that it's important and I wish I never forget something like this.

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