Monday 5 December 2016



Danny does a series on his own this time! And the intro has the "I'm also Dan! Daaaaaaan!" line from one of the shirt videos!

Arin's there at the beginning but he leaves soon and wishes Danny good luck. The audio is really weird for some reason... something very cosy about it though, like we're inside a little study room hanging out with our friend Danny :)

Wow... all the commands are by text input.

Aw... that's very true about those UFO catcher thingies.

Oh this is super cosy. I feel like I'm hanging out with Danny in his dad's study, where he's allowed to play games on his dad's computer because he's done all his chores for the weekend. Also we're having a slumber party or something.

Danny gets a joke he didn't get as a kid. Aluminium Mallard instead of Millennium Falcon. I love it when that happens with old games I play now :)

Love that cheeky jab at Ross when he names his saves :)

Also love the graphic trick that's used when making skies in old school games. You see it in Atari games by Activision :)

Oh man, Danny's ordered Thai food for the slumber party we're having with him! :P Awesome!

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