Tuesday 6 December 2016


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOxUSjXLv0Y

Danny's cosy slumber party continues after the Thai take out food.

There's an exciting escape sequence that's kinda like Metroid but Danny makes it back to the ship and escapes.

He makes his way to another planet.

Very cool sequence where he uses an invisibility belt to break into the complex and disguise himself as a janitor :)

Wow that cubicle maze is like something out of Dilbert!

For me, office work isn't bad. There are downsides but I prefer it to a lot of other work that's genuinely horrible.

Poor Danny has to go through all that stuff again after getting caught...

Just like in the episode Arin had on his own where he talked about pursuing dreams, Danny does a similar thing. He also talks about Brian's opinion about how a day job is important if you have nothing else and Danny says that you have to be prepared to have the stomach for those moments where you feel like you're wasting your time and your peers are finding their own successes and stuff. Again, more food for thought for me blogging about all this stuff! Actually, I hear this often when the subject is brought up, so it's reinforced learning at this point.

Very dramatic scene where he gets captured and is forced to fight in a mech robot suit. Later it's a shooting target thing while escaping with the other guys. It does get arcadey!

Ah that ending is nice :) I like the double voice thing when Danny reads out the two characters' lines!

Lastly he advises to keep doing and trying at what you love through the hard times, presumably where you also have to do something else. Love you too Dan!

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