Thursday 31 December 2015

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival Part 6


We join Danny, Suzy and Brian for the session finale!

Brian impatiently grumbles through the fortune telling segments again. Afterwards, they enter the fishing tourney. Danny gives Chip a nasally toothy voice.

Danny and Brian share a moment when they make a reference to the movie UHF. Suzy wonders what it is. I know it's a movie but I haven't seen it before. Sorry guys! I'll watch it someday! Brian tells us all about it and what UHF refers to.

Brian catches a red snapper, coming first.
Suzy catches a bluegill, coming third.
Danny catches an olive flounder, coming second.

It's Sunday again, so time to buy more 'nips! Suzy maxes out, Brian buys some, Danny buys none.

What timing! The stalk market crashes on the next turn! Brian sells all of his at a small loss and Suzy waits 'til the last turn to sell hers.

It's time to call the game and Brian wins for having the most happy points. Suzy comes second and Danny comes third.

Danny and Brian talk about an upcoming Ninja Sex Party album, "Under the Covers" which is coming soon!

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