Sunday 27 December 2015

Daze Before Christmas


We join Arin and Danny for a Christmas SNES game! It's not the first SNES game I'm blogging about, that honour goes to Batman Returns earlier today.

There's some lovely animations here like Santa shrinking into his hat.

Suddenly the game freezes and an emulator pops up. Noooooooo! The magic is ruined! Nah it's ok. :) from the looks of it, this emulator's running on an Xbox.

Arin decides to just go into the ROM menu and play Cobra Girls instead. That doesn't work either so he chooses Chow Wai Man. This is just a slideshow of some 90s model.

Chester Cheetah Wild Wild Quest next. This one doesn't work either! They have to pick another ROM!

All the while this is happening, they are rolling around laughing!

Next up is Chavez Boxing. This one works at least! They just keep boxing the guy in the junk, trying to knock him out. They don't manage to do it because he regains health too quickly.

This episode was ridiculous and brilliant :)

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