Thursday 31 December 2015

God Hand Part 8


We join Octopimp, Arin and Ross as they rescue a guy from a dangerous game of hoopla.

The city reminds Arin of the hub world from Sonic '06! It really would make you think of it!

Ross says something amazing to Octopimp: "I God to Hand it to you, you're pretty good at this game."

They mention One Punch Man and how much they love it. It's an awesome show! Everyone should check it out as it's really fun :)

They're doing a little mini-game where they're shooting cannonballs at UFOs and ships.

They meet a rock star boss with a cool shirt and defeat him really quickly. They talk a bit about Devil May Cry. I've... never really played that series...

Up ahead, the guitar boss comes back with a drum boss and Octopimp uses the God Hand stuff he has saved up to beat them in no time.

Further still is Elvis again! Octopimp says this encounter is one of the most popular boss fights in the game, so let's check it out next time!

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