Saturday 12 December 2015

Who's Your Daddy


What an amazing concept for a game. Brian and Ross take turns playing as the dad. The dad tries to stop his baby from getting killed by normal household objects and wins if he's successful. The dark twist is that the other player plays as the baby and wins if the dad loses. Pretty grim!

Brian, being the only Grump that is a dad, says this game is truer to life than one would expect! He says that to be a parent is to live in constant fear. Ross and him take turns in either role.

They have a lot of fun and Brian interviews Ross on the real life babysitting job he and Holly are going to do for Brian's daughter. Ross does his creepy baby voice too. Have a look and indulge in the madness!

At the end, Brian talks more about what it's like to be a dad when your kid is bold. He asks Ross if he'd like to be a dad. He also says he loves his daughter and gives a message for when she is older :)

Man... I wonder what things will be like when she is that age. I hope they'll still be doing stuff like Game Grumps... I hope I can blog or do something I wanna do. Man, the future is scary. I'm a few years older than Ross so the idea of having kids is scary. Gaaaaaaah.

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