Monday 28 December 2015

Endless Ocean 2 Part 15


Christmas is over! Hope you all had a good one!

We join Arin and Danny as they chat with Nancy again. They have to go meet Professor Sakurai (not that one) Captain Grandpa says lots of not so nice things! They then go sit in their expensive deckchair and imagine all kinds of chaotic stuff happening to disturb the super peaceful scene!

Afterwards, they head to the Aquarium in Japan. Arin gives Professor Sakurai a voice with a nervous tic that makes her give outbursts every few words she says. Is she like the Plane'arium guy from South Park? :) Captain Grandpa doesn't believe she's the professor for a second!

A surfer looking dude shows up and Arin gives him such a voice. His name is Ken.

Next time, they have to go check out a polar bear. Globe trottin'!

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