Thursday 31 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 93


Danny tells us about the dummy they use in the Ninja Sex Party videos, which is still around to this day. Its name is Danakin. Or is it Dannequin? It's stuffed with newspapers from 2008 so it's like some kind of time capsule when stuff flies out!

Arin walks into a chamber where there's loads of sunflowers and gross lanky gray things called "Living Failures". They all seem to have the same health bar but there are several of them and they hit hard. At one point they do some kind of a meteorite summon that turns the screen like outer space for a moment and all this fire comes down and Arin loses.

Danny brings up a "what if?" scenario where someone doesn't know that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father. Arin says there are so many parodies and pop culture references to it that it would be hard to find someone like that. That's how I found out! :) didn't watch the movies until much later.

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