Wednesday 16 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 86


We join Arin and Danny, pleased at just defeating Ludwing the thingy. Things are good!

At one point they meet a guy who accuses them of lying. Lying about hearing a bell. Weird guy.

Arin's having trouble in the big bedroom with these wizard guys zapping him. There's also these giant disgusting rats in the corner.

They have a really interesting conversation about listening to albums and doing just one thing at a time. They talk about if anyone just sits down and listens to something with their headphones and do nothing else. Not while doing work or something else, just listening to music. That's a really interesting thing. Here I am for example, writing a blog while watching Game Grumps! Doing two things at once. I like doing one thing at a time but it's fun to do this as well.

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