Friday 11 December 2015

Bloons 2 Christmas Expansion


Suzy brings us another chill Newgrounds game with a Christmas theme.

This one's about a monkey shooting arrows at balloons. All you have to do is aim with the cursor and time the power for shooting your arrows.

Flash type games are nice and relaxing. Suzy talks about how she used to play them on high school computers until they blocked them. In a place like that though, you'd hang out with your buddy at a computer and maybe take turns at the game. But it was just a nice way to hang out and watching one of our Grumps playing here kind of recreates that memory :)

Suzy shares memories of her favourite Christmas where she got Pokémon Red and a seethrough purple Game Boy Color. She also shares her worst Christmas where it was when she kept getting sick from eating too many Christmas cookies...

My best Christmases usually involved getting a game I loved and my worst ones usually involve being sick because of my turkey allergy. Other ones that were bad were when the power went out due to bad weather. Definitely not LA weather anyway!

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