Saturday 26 December 2015

Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek Part 6


Danny promises this is the last episode. Not to worry Dan, I quite like this! It may look like an empty house on Christmas, but it's quite cosy! Arin's still on board!

Danny says it looks creepier than Silent Hill. Funny he should say that, there was a mobile game called Silent Hill: Orphan that had static backgrounds like this. It's actually my favourite one in the series too.

They spend a lot of time going around the lodge doing maid chores. Danny urges someone to change the CD on the PA system! It is kind of an uncanny tune alright! He then looks it up while Arin talks to the cowboy dude. He finds that this is the 16th installment in the Nancy Drew game series and is absolutely gobsmacked.

I believe it though! There are many books, so it's natural to assume there are many games too. On looking it up, I see that not only is it the 16th game, but there have been more than 16 installments since! I'd like to dive into this and explore the legacy a bit. Maybe see if there are online fan communities for stuff like this and see what they're like.

The episode has to end sometime though. Poor Danny's getting cabin fever!

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