Tuesday 1 December 2015

Will You Press The Button? Part 1

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3zpdK-sK5E

New series! Suzy plays this game from willyoupressthebutton.com after watching some other YouTubers try it. It's a social questionnaire type of thing, so for fun I'll join her and answer the questions with my own answers here. For the questions, check out the video!

Suzy answers Yes to the first question. I wouldn't! I like walking!

Suzy answers no to the second. I'm with her on that one!

Suzy answers no to the third. Hmm... I dunno, maybe you could use that unlimited money to get out of that situation.

Suzy answers yes to the fourth. That's kind of a loaded question. Would your soulmate live longer otherwise? Isn't that something you'd want if they were your soulmate? There's a lot to consider.

Suzy answers no to the fifth. I guess that's the correct one here if you're guaranteed to not be loved otherwise.

Suzy answers no to the sixth. I wouldn't either! Not gambling my thumbs!

Suzy answers yes to the seventh. I would too if that was the only cost.

Suzy answers no to the eighth. I'd answer no as well. Not that pushed about talking to animals.

Suzy answers yes to the ninth. Me too. Unlimited iTunes downloads sounds sweeter.

Suzy answers yes to the tenth. I would as well. Would love the superpower.

Suzy answers no to the eleventh. I would say yes but this question is an oxymoron since AIDS is all about increased mortality.

Suzy answers no to the twelfth because of vampires. I would say yes but not because of vampires.

Suzy answers yes to the thirteenth. I would too! You can work around the T.V. thing.

Suzy answers no to the fourteenth but thinks twice. I would say yes with help from her second thought :)

Suzy answers no to the fifteenth. I would say yes if I could get someone else to do chores.

Suzy answers no to the sixteenth. I would if it was hygienic.

Suzy answers no to the seventeenth. Sadly I have to say no as well since I blog about YouTubers.

Suzy answers no to the eighteenth. Same here as I can't think of a use for it right now.

Nobody's gonna make me press any buttons! (or not press!)

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