Friday 4 November 2016



This cartoon is inspired by one of the many escapades Arin and Danny have during their adventures in Dark Souls games. Arin's here as the avatar in the game and Danny is here as the travelling companion bard to share the experience.

I love the visual jokes in this one, like Arin's fireball snot and the whole bit about the Animal Crackers during and at the end!

Lots of things stuck in Arin's body through the run of the big fight he was doing and it's even funnier when his squeals on being chased are all set to the cartoon!

Love the way the scene develops too, where they go to the Red Cross and Arin unwittingly stabs another strong character, so they end up scrambling around and wrecking the place! Cool cameo by Sonic and a Mimic too!

Some good action and laughs here and overall it's quite entertaining! :)

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