Sunday 5 February 2017

best of game grumps - january 2017


January 2017! It felt like a long month. Much longer than December. The Grumps came up with top notch stuff all the same :)

It starts with funny text messages :) worth listening to!

The Kickstarter impressions they do are brilliant :)

Just the Arins and his Chrono Trigger series, yay :) I still feel sad that Danny isn't part of it though so he could marvel at how great this game is.

"diabetes nuts" is a seriously funny and ridiculous quip!

Ah, Finn Wolfhard. Those were fun episodes :) Arin and Danny were like fun uncles :P or brothers! You never know!

Ah poor Danny not able to speak because he was so choked up during that Bowser scene in Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door :) and Arin laughing his head off!

The "Are you nuuuuuude?" as the only thing that Mario may ever say was pretty dang funny :)

Wow so all Arin and Danny... kinda miss the others but they should be back soon.

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