Saturday 18 February 2017

link the faces of evil part 8 - busty brunhilda


Arin and Danny uncover the general opinion of the Zelda CD-i games and find some surprising stuff! People wrote nice things about them!

I guess these games were probably the AAA hyped games of their day? Honestly though, there are some good things about these games and I'd like to play them someday!

Wow! That big girl with the pigtails that hugged them was pretty big in the chest! I wouldn't mind a hug and a kiss from her either :) They get a nice heart refill from it.

Their strategy guide runs out so they have to consult a GameFAQs guide.

I don't actually remember areas they've been before either... I do remember them running out of lanterns at one stage though.

They recover the necklace that belongs to the other busty lady. Things are looking up with this game :)

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