Friday 17 February 2017

eating food in the shower - nsp, my review!


Danny says he got sick after filming in the bathtub for so long. Suffering for his art and our entertainment! Good man! But look after yourself!

In this music video, Danny Sexbang suggests having meals in the shower to his partner while trying to budget time for lovemaking. May not be suitable for people who don't like their bacon wet!

Eating food in the shower! Very energetic and optimistic solution put forward by him! Of course, what happens is there's slippage, dishes broken and food spoiled and spread everywhere. All kinds of other chaos happens too like Arin and Barry appearing as part of a mariachi band and even Markiplier, Matt and Ryan get in on the wet showery foodie mess!

Very silly and fun video to watch! "Don't things taste better when we're naked?" he asks. I don't know about that, but it does make for a fun video!

I absolutely love that moment where Danny's rocking out and smiling at the camera with the clock and the "BONER TIME!!" text flashes up. That needs to be an animated gif!

Love that 3 day anniversary thing too! What a universe!

Ninja Brian shows up too of course to carry out his ninja killings, including Markiplier. Maybe he flipped out because of the two exclamation points in the "BONER TIME!!" text?

Watching it again and I gotta say... wouldn't it be nice to wake up and be served bacon and eggs in bed by a pelvic thrusting Danny Sexbang standing over you? Although I might opt for one of those special bed trays instead of having the frying pan itself brought into the bedroom!

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