Sunday 26 February 2017

i expect you to die part 1 - vr office and car


Arin and Danny play another PlayStation VR game. No face cam this time though.

Ah that's kinda cool. Credits where you turn your head to read the staff names. Kind of like the time I went to see Star Wars The Force Awakens and was too close to the gigantic screen so I had to turn my head to read the opening crawl.

Poor Danny getting all barfy with Arin moving the camera around! I don't blame him! It ain't the best thing to look at!

So it's a bunch of things around an office in the tutorial that they can shoot at and interact with.

Danny does a bit of messing around while Arin's wearing the VR helmet. Yikes!

Next they have to interact with a bunch of stuff in the car, including a bomb they have to disarm. They accidentally light it! Whoops!

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