Saturday 25 February 2017

until dawn with girlgamergab part 14 - emily's clues


Suzy and GirlGamerGaB are back to Sam, who's still wrapped in the bath blanket.

They escape from where they were trapped and they have a backpack too. Mike's here too. She finally gets her clothes back.

Suzy has a big "I knew it!" moment when the killer is revealed.

I haven't tried the monkey bars in years; since playground days. Not sure if I'd still be able to use them.

Those screeching sounds when they play as Emily would be unsettling if you were wandering around alone in the dark too.

Yargh... that was a pretty bad fall she had :(

Wow that climbing. Emily's pretty strong.

Ahh.. they're talking about dinner since their food delivery has arrived. They've worked up an appetite with these long episodes! :)

Wow... "Danger Totem". Some kind of crystal ball thing?

Lots of unsettling clues they're finding towards the end...

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