Tuesday 7 February 2017

the wacky world of miniature golf part 5 - too many choppies

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmKZLuHBOhc

Danny and Arin finally get past the sub! I don't know how Arin did it, but he made the ball fly over the water!

Next up is a prison stage. Arin almost freaks out when it looks like Danny accidentally skips it. He didn't though :) Arin just wants to savour every bit of this game! Poor Danny!

The hole-y grail is the next stage :) hehehe

mmm... I love the scenery outside the castle...

So many choppies and piranhas...

Love the complete 180 in mood and opinion Arin has for this game when he gets the controls handed to him :)

They finally give up on the game and the end of the video just has a jokey "Where Are They Now?" epilogue. Aw :)

When you think about it, a game like this isn't demanding mechanically, which is good, considering the CD-i's controller!

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