Wednesday 15 February 2017

paper mario ttyd part 36 - an internet show that makes people laugh :)


Danny and Arin try to remember where they are after not playing for a few days. Always a dilemma with RPGs!

Arin talks about the time he visited Yacht Club recently and they told him that they get loads of messages about Danny's "INFINIDAGGER!" gag :) everyone loves the infinidagger :)

I love that Danny doesn't know what Neogaf is :) and then hearing all he needs to know! I also love that Arin says he just likes making a show that makes people laugh. Truly inspiring stuff :)

They navigate and lead their little army further through the dungeon and learn as they go. This is paced quite nicely! :)

At the end slate they sing "Shake Shake Shake Senora" just to top it off. I love this show. :)

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