Monday 7 December 2015

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Part 77


Whoa, Arin and Danny came all the way back to Bloodborne! This is my first post about it. Never thought I would see it again though. This time it's the DLC called The Old Hunters.

Anyway, it's back to tumbling through pots and having fun :) and this is where this game is better than say, Dragon Quest VIII. Bold statement right? But in Dragon Quest VIII the only way you could break pots was to slowly lift up one and throw it down before moving on to the next. Two button presses and full animation for each one. Here you just tear through a bunch of them by rolling into them once and it looks a lot more fun.

In this world, you face a load of other hunters everywhere. There's an amazing impromptu joke later on about a weapon called the "Beast Cutter". Check it out!

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