Tuesday 8 December 2015

Will You Press The Button? Part 4

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7Gu1_kbOpw

Suzy and Arin are back with more question answering! I'll put my answers here as usual.

Arin answers no to the first question. Suzy would answer no. I would answer no as well. This person would have to make an effort.

Arin answers no to the second question. Suzy would answer no. I would answer no. Sounds like some voodoo thing.

Arin answers yes to the third question. Suzy would answer yes. I would answer yes. Good example of a game world from Arin there :)

Arin answers no to the fourth question. Suzy would answer no. I would answer no as well. Don't really care to remember every single thing.

Arin answers no to the fifth question. Suzy would answer yes. I would answer yes. Time control sounds cool.

Arin answers no to the sixth question. Suzy would answer no. I would answer no as well. Stupid dragon question.

Arin answers no to the seventh question. Suzy would answer no. I would answer no as well unless I could learn how do something otherwise.

Arin answers yes to the eighth question. Suzy would answer yes. I would answer yes as well. Who would say no?

Arin answers no to the ninth question. Suzy would answer no. I would answer no as well. I'd hate for them to be my boss.

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