Wednesday 2 December 2015

Dead Rising Part 25


Back with Arin and Danny! Arin talks about some old McDonald's commercials. Danny interrupts and asks if the slogan was that "he had a farm". Nice. :)

A cutscene pops up with a family of snipers; a father and his two sons.

They go into a toy store and wear a demon head mask, replacing their fedora. Is it Firebrand from Gargoyle's Quest?

They meet an old guy in an antique shop and talk to him for a while. He has some sad things to say... then they get shot at by the sniper family so they head out and attack them head on.

They quickly WAP! Roger and Jack but have some trouble with Thomas, who keeps running away. They eventually take care of him with his next of kin's sniper rifle.

Afterwards they hurry to the next mission before time runs out.

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