Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Part 2

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qja7Re96E74

We rejoin Brian, Ross and Barry in the Dark. They wonder if they're in space... While trying to figure things out, they talk about time travel and the darkest places they've ever been (not emotionally). Pretty interesting stuff.

They come to and decide to save. Barry notes that there's something they forgot on Earth so they have to restore a previous save. I'm glad he knows what's up because there's absolutely no way you could've known that earlier... Anyway they quickly make their way back to the latest point and now Brian gets a chance at naming a save!

More exposition and Ross reads out alien dialogue very nicely.

The "Don't panic" phrase makes me remember the movie poster I saw recently for Dad's Army. Must look that up later. It's got Bill Nighy in it!

The guide they look up has some astronomical consequences... :/ wow.

There's a bunch of stuff they have to do here but get captured before they manage to finish so they'll have to restore again. That's in the next episode though!

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