Wednesday 2 December 2015

Super Mario Maker Part 38


Back with Danny and Arin doing the ""P" Is For "Provide"" level by John.

They greet us with funny German voices and play through the level. At the end a software update message pops up onscreen. Ahh modern day gaming! It's Software Update Grumps!

It's a pity they couldn't give feedback for the level, since online game activity is completely halted until you update it. They chat with us while they update and Danny talks about YouTube Analytics.

After they update they do the "Seekers of the Shroom" level by Brian. Not fellow Grump Brian though!

At the start of the level, the end is right there but it's obscured by blocks. You have to go underground to find a mushroom to get big enough to break them. Neat idea!

While exploring they come up with a name for guys who sleep around and how going for an STD check sucks but it's something that must be done. Looking around for a mushroom they find many fiery piranha plants. Towards the end of the video, Arin tries this impossible looking way to climb. Guess we'll find out next episode if that's the right way or not.

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