Monday 26 June 2017

arms part 1 - it gets ya fired up! literally too!


Arin and Danny play some ARMS! Arin's already fired up!

Wow! Good thing this game doesn't have voice chat! Whoof! Arin's pretty good but he is fired up! He's playing as Min Min. Love her cute noodle bowl hat :)

Danny, Beyblades are like spinning tops or you know, a sort of dreidel :)

Yeah this game is pretty new for anyone to be any kind of pro and have developed strategies... except maybe the producer of the game at the E3 tourney this year. That was pretty amazing. Kosuke Yabuki is his name. People were calling him One Punch Man and everything :)

That "no, you're literally on fire" quip was pretty good :)

Arin gets some good wins by time out :)

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