Wednesday 28 June 2017

emily is away part 2 - spoiler: they never get together


Suzy IM chats with her close female friend in 2004.

Suzy got all anachronistic with "Wanna Nexflix and chill" though I guess they were probably still around back then doing the DVD thing.

Ah they arrange to meet up! Woo!

I like the pop culture references of the time with movies :)

Then it's on to 2005. All about the aftermath of their meeting. Emily is all confused and weird and asking loads of questions.

Then it's on to 2006. She's picking stuff but her character's typing something else! Argh! Her friendship and possible romance is gone! Double argh!

So yeah I read up on this game and your character gets absolutely nowhere with the girl and the whole thing just fizzles out, so any sign of hope is hopeless. All that build up and suspense was for nothing.

I wonder if this guy ended up sitting at his computer everyday hoping Emily would come back online?

Ah... I searched around for this and got a lot of other gameplay videos describing this as a "friendzone simulator". Well, there you go! Maybe I'll check them out later and hear some sad stories!

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