Saturday 24 June 2017

overwatch: training dan part 4 - dps and caps lock training


Arin and Danny appear before the video to acknowledge the near 5th anniversary of Game Grumps and to announce Game Grumps Live special dates :) they're hanging out on a couch and Danny's cuddling a Big The Cat plushie! Also they yell at Vernon for being noisy. Shh! Love that zoom in on Danny's face at the end too! :)

Danny learns how to play the DPS class from Arin this time, using Reaper.

Arin says it's really difficult to play this way but they still have good fun doing it!

Once again the best part of the video is the end where Danny uses the chat :) "Sorry I didn't realise the caps lock was on" is his second message which is really funny :)

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