Sunday 18 June 2017

doodle doods episode 15 featuring arin hanson - scario mario


Ross and Chris OneyNG have Arin on today to draw Mario characters!

They start with Princess Peach. Arin draws her with lovely big eyes :) they talk about their favourite cake. As for me I prefer ordinary sponge cake with jam and strawberries :) not too big on chocolate cake. Ross draws her with webbed fingers and Chris draws her all scrawny and horrifying!

Next is Bowser. They talk about games that ruined games for them. No Arin, GameCube had the best versions of the multi-plats! Arin's Bowser looks a bit like Woody Woodpecker dressing up as Bowser! :) Ross draws him in tights and Chris draws him with a regular body and long scary scrawny arms!

Happy Birthday Ryan!

Next is Yoshi. Arin draws Rex from Toy Story :P Ross draws a huge freaky lump, Chris draws him in his horrifying realistic style! Arin redraws him with a bandit mask which is kinda cool.

Toad next. Arin draws him as a big tough gangster, Ross and Chris draw a big freaky mushroom thing.

Mario and Luigi next. Ross is right, Mario does have beautiful hair. Nice airplane mode gag Ross :) They all draw them in crazy scary ways!

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