Tuesday 6 June 2017

paper mario ttyd part 60 - lost in the sewers again

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6Fl_j5tTYk

Danny and Arin get Peach's e-mail.

Love that random Luigi encounter too :)

They haven't played in a while so they forget where the thousand year door is. It happens... It's a confusing sewer area.

No the Crystal Shards are from Kirby 64! Not Final Fantasy! Easy to confuse though I know...

While they talk to Frankly, they wonder how Koops gets into his hoodie and out of it with his shell.

They get another e-mail from Koopie Koo, who talks about missing Koops so much that she goes into his house sniffing his stuff. Wow!

Hangnails are terrifying. I don't have the courage to peel nails :(

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