Friday 30 June 2017

paper mario ttyd part 76 - toast analogy


Danny and Arin thank the fans from the recent AMA on Reddit and e-mails for advice on badges :)

Some great advice there. Arin adds a few more things like just moving straight left and right instead of in diagonals because it's faster and not playing the game at all! It sounds funny but at the same time I wonder how much is real feedback and how much is just jokes! Yikes!

Arin also mentions how sometimes instead of a greeting on meeting fans he gets unsolicited game tips instead!

Ah... late night hunger pangs while playing games :)

Arin rants about things not having to be done strictly one way. Games have choices after all! They've taken advice on board so I think we can give him a chance to blow off some steam... use a toast analogy or two :P

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