Friday 2 June 2017

super bomberman r part 1 - battling with (n)pcs


Arin and Danny play the game that brought Bomberman back to life! It doesn't look like the patched version though... Oh well. Still bound to be fun :)

They think they weren't recording, but they were :)

Argh... they didn't set the in-game camera to be fixed :/ it's floating all over the place.

Danny's Thai food arrives! Arin takes the call. Yay :)

From the looks of things, Bomberman was played on the show but I don't think Danny played it on the show before.

Danny wins the first competition and Arin loses that last match in the worst way... by getting trapped and the walls closing in around him... Yowch...

Arin does that annoying thing where you repeat what the other person says in a stupid voice.

Danny eventually has to go eat his chicken satay!

Wow that was a long bleep at the end!

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