Tuesday 13 June 2017

paper mario ttyd part 67 - i love these 2004 twilight town crows

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1kMM9eRWJc

Danny sings about Arin's charm.

They meet the impostor Mario and all the partners. Funny to hear them talk from this perspective!

They go out to meet Vivian and find her Superbombomb. Danny gives her a whingy crying voice. Is he going to stick with that, now that she's joining them?

Wow those crows! We need them today! Instant messenger too... *sigh* stupid Facebook...

Love that hiding move that Vivian has :)

I seriously love these crows though. Makes me imagine crows in my local area chatting about various weird things. This is dialogue from a 2004 GameCube game, so it'll never be patched out of existence or whatever. *sigh*

They get challenged to figure out the guy's name again but they don't know. Yeah I wonder if you can just input his name from a walkthrough or something?

At least they have Vivian to help them now :)

Wow they couldn't save their game? Never came across something like that in this game before...

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