Sunday 4 June 2017

doodle doods episode 13 - minecraft steve featuring matt watson - notch finale


Ross and Chris OneyNG have Matt along today to draw Minecraft characters.

They start with Steve. Matt talks about these Minecraft books he got called Stinky Steve and about the Minecraft tattoo bet he made.

Creeper next! Love their "Marty J. Fox" goofings. :)

Yeah Minecraft was terrifying and scary when it first came out with those atmospheric noises. :)

Chris' Creeper is incredible.

Next they do superkai64, a popular Minecraft fan. They way Matt draws him he looks like Javier Bardem in the new Pirates Of The Caribbean movie!

After this is Eye Of The Spider, another popular Minecraft meme. They love him and his singing :)

Next up is Notch himself! They're scared to draw him in an unflattering way. Shucks. They still all draw him well and manage to make it fun too so yay!

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