Tuesday 27 June 2017

baby punchers - world famous - also featuring time travel

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t0pQX4tL_Q

Another cool live action skit, this time with Suzy and Brian.

They play as two scientific types receiving missions to go time travelling and punching bad dudes when they're babies. Nipping things in the bud you could say!

One of them is Arin, who appears as a photograph and a plastic toy baby version of himself.

They're the Baby Punchers! Their next mission is against people who go through time punching babies... Two other people hopefully!

Good and funny little skit! It's kind of like another weird make believe show from the seventies!

Rachel Wecht is the one who plays the baby's mother. Brian's wife? Neat! I'll make a label for her. :)

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