Monday 19 June 2017

robot party with ninja audrey - father's day special!


Brian and Danny appear before the episode to announce tour dates.

Brian has his daughter Audrey along today to play this game! It's a special Father's Day episode!

Audrey is doing all the gameplay! This game looks like a fun toy alright :)

"Danny and Arin in a tutu". Ahahahaha :)

So yeah, you build robot parts and energise them and get them to do fun noisy stuff. Pretty cool :)

At one point Audrey gets distracted by pretzels and the robot falls asleep. It's a circus :)

Wasn't expecting a random burn on the Switch :O

After the video, Brian and Audrey appear to do a final wrap up! She went after the capture computer but the video survived! Father's Day miracle :)

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