Sunday 5 November 2017

best of game grumps - october 2017


The month of October! It brought us Sneak King, Mario 3 no touch challenge and Cuphead! let's watch...

Sneak King had a great real video intro where Danny got frights from the King just popping up!

Contra 3 was brutal...

So many highs and lows with the Mario 3 no touch!

Ah yes! Michael Ornstein was here too with Gauntlet 2 :) gosh that felt like forever ago...

Redneck Jamboree, what a curiosity...

That Ninja Warriors "NO" sequence was a classic :)

Singing about the Terminator robot apocalypse during the Chuck E. Cheese game to the happy music.

Aww... a cosy weird NES gameshow game happened this month too :) David Wise music!

Of course, we had Ghoul Grumps with all those scrappy simple scary Steam games as well :)

Ah yes, the Aer Lingus reference :)

But seriously there were some scary moments, especially those skull head things in that 24 Hours game.

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