Thursday 30 November 2017

muppet adventure part 2 - the maze of nightmares and comas


Arin and Danny take on the second half of the challenges in this game.

Space Ride next. It's kind of like the car one except it's also like Asteroids and they're playing as Gonzo :)

Lots of walls come up too. This game is really difficult! They get a game over and all their progress is reset! Thankfully they can just go on to choose the event they haven't done yet. It's the maze with Fozzie Bear.

The maze one is way way easier in comparison! The challenge is one of endurance "When does it end?" Arin wails. Eventually an extra rat joins in and hearts they can't collect but then they can collect them for some reason. Then an evil candy cane joins in and Arin wails even more "When is it over!". Then the candy cane doesn't hurt them for some reason!

They try to imagine what this game must've been like when it was full price and that was the one game you got a year for your birthday or something! Danny imagines it like being a 30 year coma or something! Arin says it's like some kind of life support machine that plays a happy jingle constantly. Danny puts that candy cane on the top video game villains list!

They make several comparisons of this game to things that are generally unpleasant, coming up with funnier and relatable stuff every time :)

Suddenly, the colours change and enemies change too! Candy cane becomes one of the ice cream blocks, it's just one rat again but it's big now. Bananas are here too. They both become even more agitated and are at their wits end! Then the candy cane comes back and joins the moving ice cream! Arin can't take anymore so Danny takes over, just in time to find the key! Then they wail in relief! And they make more coma comparisons!

Yes guys yes! I made it through the whole video! Thanks for calling me a superfan but it was super ejnjoyable! :)

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